Subdelegation of duties with regard to work environment and fire safety management at Lund university

Formulär: P #0002

  • Please note that this document will only be valid once it has been signed in eduSign by both parties. Each party is retain their own copy as a basis for the annual follow-up of the allocation of duties. 

    The signed document is to be registered in accordance with the University's document registration plan. Title of the matter for registration: Allocation of duties in systematic work environment management and systematic fire safety management at the "faculty/department/equivalent" valid as of "YYYY-MM-DD".

    The recipient of the duties is entered as the counterparty in the case file.

    Copy to: 

    • The line manager of the allocating manager.
    • The organisation's work environment coordinator.
  • The undersigned manager delegates duties in accordance with the Rules on the allocation of duties with regard to work environment and fire safety management at Lund University, STYR 2020/2060.

    We, the undersigned, have today agreed on the duties involved in the delegation and have jointly made sure that the recipient of the duties has the conditions necessary for performing the duties in a satisfactory way.

    The allocation of duties is valid until further notice or for as long as the recipient of duties has their current position. The allocation is to be reviewed annually.

    Returning duties

    If I, the recipient of the allocated duties, deem that I lack the knowledge, resources or authority for carrying out any of the duties, I am to inform the delegator of duties as soon as possible and return, in writing, the duties that I am unable to perform.

  • Delegator of duties, manager 

  • Recipient of duties

  • The allocation of duties is accompanied by a guide containing clarifying text adn references to further information. Contact the organisation's work environment coordinator for support. 

    The allocation of duties applies to the following tasks:

    Overall planning and follow-up

  • Participation by staff and students in work environment management

  • Investigating the work environment

  • Risk assessment and measures

  • Knowledge and expertise

  • Systematic fire safety management

  • Responsibility for coordination

  • Work environment risks asociated with chemicals, GMM, radiation, equipment, etc

  • Additional duties/clarifications/comments 

  • When you have completed the form, click on "PDF" and it will be downloaded as a pdf file to your hard drive. It can then be directly uploaded via eduSign for e-signature by both parties. Don't forget that the document also needs to be registered according to the instructions above.